Eldon Primary School

Eldon Primary School

Eldon expects the best….Let’s be the best that we can be!

Interactive Area

Feel Good February

Feel Good February 😄


Happy 1st February 🌸

There is no disputing that movement is medicine and exercise is an elixir.

Getting into active habits which mean movement is part of your day is key. 🔑

Starting these habits at young age is ideal. ✅

Enter ‘Feel Good February’ where we’re encouraging your child to record their daily active choices. 🗓

They could use a colour code to record type of activity:
🟪a walk
🟥 a P.E. at home activity
🟧 an online workout for kids
🟨 playing in the garden or yard
🟩helping in the house e.g. vacuuming or mopping
🟦working on a skill e.g catching

Shading in the colour each day.

Or use the calendar to record steps taken or distance covered?

🌟 Can your child create a streak of activity?
🌟🌟Could you join them in their quest?

This activity is inspired by the ‘Sport in Mind’ charity’s REDJan- one of their tag lines is:

‘Active everyday, your way, to ‘beat the blues away’ 💪


tes winner 2018