Eldon Primary School

Eldon Primary School

Eldon expects the best….Let’s be the best that we can be!

Interactive Area


Enrichment Clubs Spring 2024

Enrichment Clubs September 2023

Enrichment Clubs Summer 2023

Enrichment Clubs Autumn / Spring 2022/23

Extra Curriculum Opportunities April 2022

Each term the staff at Eldon provide a range of extra curriculum opportunities. If parents and children have any ideas for clubs for the future, please talk to Mrs Butt or your class teachers. 


Clubs will be advertised on your child's Class Story page on Class Dojo. Clubs are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Should a club be oversubscribed then a waiting list will be kept by the teacher and you will be notified as soon as a place becomes available.


This term the following clubs are being held and more will be added as school resumes a 'full' schedule. 

STEAM CLUB with Miss Sharples for Yr1 and Yr2 
MINDFULNESS CLUB with Miss Vohra for Yr4,5 and 6
BOOK CLUB with Mrs Blackburn for Yr4 and Yr5 pupils 
RADIO CLUB with Miss Calvert for Yr3 and Yr5 

MINI-MOVERS CLUB with Mrs Perry for Reception pupils 

SATS BOOSTER and WRITING CLUB with Miss Lightfoot for Yr6

ROUNDERS & CRICKET for Yr 5 and Yr6 

Coding Club with Miss Mughal for Yr4, Yr5 and Yr6 children 
SIGNING and SINGING CHOIR with Miss Kirkham for Yr3 and Yr2 pupils 
SINGING and SIGNING CLUB with Mrs Taylor for Rec and Yr1 

SUMMER SPORTS for Yr3 and Yr4 

TEAM BUILDING & RESILIANCE CLUB with Commando Luke - for Yr4 and Yr6

MOVE WITH ME - Family Fit and Fun with Yr 1 and Yr2 children and families 




Extra Curriculum Opportunities September 2021

Each term the staff at Eldon provide a range of extra curriculum opportunities. If parents and children have any ideas for clubs for the future, please talk to Mrs Butt or your class teachers. 


Clubs will be advertised on your child's Class Story page on Class Dojo. Clubs are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Should a club be oversubscribed then a waiting list will be kept by the teacher and you will be notified as soon as a place becomes available.


This term, due to C-19, teachers will be offering clubs within their class or key stage groups. There will also be a select number of PE and Computing clubs available to join.


After Easter 2022,  we hope to resume the widest range of extra curricular clubs that pupils at Eldon are used to and thrive upon including a Sign Language Club led by Miss Kirkham! 

Club Letter 2021

The Club Letter attached above is an example of the vast array of clubs on offer before Covid-19. 


tes winner 2018