Summer News 2020
Spring 2 and Summer 1 - Class Acts through Class Dojo
Eldon Learners are inspired to move
Our children are blessed to already be subscribers to an app 'ClassDojo' this enables easy communication between parents, children and teachers alike!
Mrs Dixon and Mrs Perry have been setting reminders and support for healthy and active choices during this unprecedented time.
These are examples of some the input the children have been benefitting from:
Step up Challenge
Something to keep you busy. You just need any type of raised platform that is safe. (step, curb etc) Please be careful and check it is safe and sturdy! You can set yourself different challenges too...
KS1 - Can you do 10 and count them? - Can you keep going for 30seconds at a steady pace? KS2 - How many can you do in 30seconds? - Can you keep going at a steady pace for 2minutes without stopping? Make sure you get your body prepared first, do a little warm up! You can challenge your siblings or any adults in the house! Enjoy and feel free to send your videos/pictures to your class teacher �'�🏼😊
Stay safe everyone! Fitness Fortune Teller or Champion’s 🏆 Chatterbox?
Here is a template for a fantastic origami activity which will enhance fine motor skills and when complete can be used for: �'�🏻’Getting Active’. 🏃🏼♀️ You will need a square sheet of paper and nimble folding fingers. �-� If you don’t have access to a printer copy the format onto a sheet of paper. Thank you to @valeroyalpartnership for the resource I will post a diagram of how to fold the paper next �'�🏻
Sleep �'� - Part of P.E. Is knowing what makes a ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ Along with a balanced diet, including 5 a day 🍇 🍈 🍉 fruit and vegetables 🌽 �" 🥕, keeping hydrated �'�, and being active for at least an hour everyday. A very important feature of a Healthy Lifestyle is sleep 😴 🛏 The recommendations below are taken from the NHS website: These are the approximate hours of sleep needed by children of different ages, as recommended by the Millpond Children's Sleep Clinic. 1 week * daytime: 8 hours * night-time: 8 hours 30 minutes 4 weeks * daytime: 6 to 7 hours * night-time: 8 to 9 hours 3 months * daytime: 4 to 5 hours * night-time: 10 to 11 hours 6 months * daytime: 3 hours * night-time: 11 hours 9 months * daytime: 2 hours 30 minutes * night-time: 11 hours 12 months * daytime: 2 hours 30 minutes * night-time: 11 hours 2 years * daytime: 1 hour 30 minutes * night-time: 11 hours 30 minutes 3 years * daytime: 0 to 45 minutes * night-time: 11 hours 30 minutes to 12 hours 4 years * night-time: 11 hours 30 minutes 5 years * night-time: 11 hours 6 years * night-time: 10 hours 45 minutes 7 years * night-time: 10 hours 30 minutes 8 years * night-time: 10 hours 15 minutes 9 years * night-time: 10 hours 10 years * night-time: 9 hours 45 minutes 11 years * night-time: 9 hours 30 minutes Try: - Asking your child to keep a sleep diary? Or try keeping note yourself. Recording bedtime and wake time. �"" How do their sleeping hours compare to the recommendations? Remember these are guidelines. Worth noting: Listening to children tell you about any dreams they’ve been having, good or bad, will help support them through this time too. Sleep Well 😴 Stay Safe and Be Well ☺️ Further reading on sleep: Dr Matthew Walker PhD. ‘Why We Sleep’
Pavement Crack Speedbounce Challenge - aerobic fitness How many can be completed in 20 seconds? ⏱ What’s your score? It’s a tricky count but I’m pretty sure the year 6 in the video did over 60. Can you do more?
Make sure you’re ready to move, you’re warmed up - and set to go!
*Remember soft knees and light landings.*
Check your heart rate before and after this challenge. �'�What happens to it and why do you think this happens? �"
Younger pupils may want to jump forward and back rather than side to side and use this as a counting game. Can they count and jump 10 in a row or more? Or chant the days of the week or months of the year as they jump? �'�🏻 Good luck ☘️
Thank you to Mrs Perry’s daughter for the demonstration �'�🏻
@StayinWorkOut 🎈 Is a new twitter account from Sport England where people across the Nation are sharing what they are doing to stay active at home #stayinworkout My favourite so far is rebound work with a balloon against a wall 🎈🎈 Using your right hand �-� and / or left hand 🤚 keep patting the balloon against the wall. Count how many you can repeat? Vary the distance from the wall 😊
P.E. Keeping Healthy and Active ideas: �'�🏻 Remember to stay hydrated �'� Spend time moving outside - maybe take the daily walk together? ☀️ Or try this activity: ‘BattleShips’ either indoors or out. Make it more fun by drawing ships 🚢 on cardboard targets. Use rolled up socks or balls of tin foil if you don’t have a ball 🎾
We look forward to sharing more with the Eldon community.