Eldon Primary School

Eldon Primary School

Eldon expects the best….Let’s be the best that we can be!

Interactive Area


Welcome to Eldon Nursery

The Class Teacher is Mrs Taylor.

Our Nursery Assistants are Mrs Howard, Miss Kaur and Miss Narot.

Forest Schools ... searching for signs of autumn!

Eldon's Elf Enterprise DT

Possibilities ... Let's have a go at Yoga!

Eldon’s Elf Enterprise

Christmas Decorations!

This is "Our Christmas Decorations!" for Eldon’s Elf's Enterprise

Introducing our ‘worry monster’ ...

Welcome back to Nursery!

This is "Welcome back!’

People Who Help Us ... a Doctor!

What do we want to be when we grow up?

Making Chinese Lanterns!

Our Science Investigation - Predicting what will make porridge delicious




What can we see and hear in the Nursery Garden?




Nursery enjoyed lots of STEAM activities! We created giant bubbles and experimented with baking powder and vinegar! Some children said it looked like a rainbow volcano! 

Reading through pictures

Here is a short video of Miss Threlfall sharing a wordless book with our superstar, Esmae.

Although the book has no words, we have been able to share the story by ‘reading the pictures’. The beauty of a wordless book is that the pictures tell the story. As you will see, we looked really closely at what is happening in each of those pictures, shared ideas about what might happen next, talked about the characters and how they might be feeling and about events in the story. These are crucial skills that can be developed long before your child can read letters and words. It’s also a great opportunity for conversation 🗣 and developing their imagination 💭

New starters video

Come and join us for a virtual tour of the nursery for new starters.


Working together to solve problems, the children built an obstacle course for the balls, they then moved on to working that certain things like balls rolled better than others like sticks.

Great critical thinking everyone.



Early mark making in nursery happens in all areas, as mark making develops children begin to give meanings to what they are drawing, Eyaad told us "it's mummy there and my chachu"

Well done Eyaad, and great to see such a fantastic tripod pencil grip, and good to see focus and attention to detail.


One of the biggest things our children learn in nursery is how to play with each other. As children grow they develop their play and move from playing alongside each other to interacting and playing and exploring with each other.




The children learned how to problem solve and use their fine motor skills to remove the penguins stuck in the ice.



The children improved their self-care independence skills by learning to put on their coats by themselves, without support.


tes winner 2018