4D Immersive Room
The 4D Immersive room is an amazing new addition which provides a wonderful and unique learning experience for our children here at Eldon Primary School. It has provided a real 'wow' factor which highly impacts upon and encourages our children in their learning.
It has taken our children to new heights in their learning, providing an all-encompassing platform where the children are presented with video, audio, lighting and interactive features in one room. The children feel as though they are entering a 'new world' each time they step in the room, a magical place.
Rhythmical Mike visits Eldon!
National Literacy Hero - Richard O'Neil visits Eldon for National Story Telling Week
Let's celebrate Diwali
Let's Celebrate Chinese New Year
Our First Impressions
Introducing the new 4D Immersive Room! An amazing new addition which provides a wonderful and unique learning experience for our children here at Eldon Primary School. Here are Year 3's first impressions of when they first stepped into the room.

The Firework-Maker's Daughter
Year 4 have been enjoying reading their novel 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. In the story the main character Lila makes a perilous journey to a volcano. The children listened to the story in the 4D Room which has been transformed into an erupting volcano. Even the floor turned into lava!

Underwater Adventure
Nursery have delved into the depths of the ocean!

Super Learning Day
During super learning day the children learned about the police force. We discovered that the police have many different roles and use a variety of vehicles. It was important to know that the police are their to help us and keep us safe from harm.

To the treasure me hearties!
Year 1 have been using positional language and computer algorithmns to help identify hidden treasure!

To infinity and beyond!
Year 2 have been blasting into space to explore the planets. In computing we have been using algorithms to program pupil spacebots to move from planet to planet on the interactive 4D floor. We then went onto use the 'Beebot' programmable toys.

Deep Dark Jungle
Nursey enjoyed exploring the rainforest, paying close attention to the sights and sounds.

Chinese New Year
The children took part in different activities to learn all about Chinese New Year. We even used a giant dragon and moved around the room.

All aboard!
Nursery went on an exciting train journey through cities, town and countryside.

Life in the Arctic
Reception explored life in the Arctic, looking at how Inuits live and which animals you might find there.

The Wizard of Oz
Year 6 enjoying a shared reading of ‘The Wizard of Oz’.

Physical Education
PE Teacher Miss Perry uses the 4D Room to enhance her PE teaching. She has shown the children aspirational gymnastics and contemporary dance footage to show children what they can strive for. In the future she hopes to record clips of children during PE and analyse their performance on the big screen.

Multi-Screen Technology!
Year 2 have had the opportunity to learn how to use coding software Scratch in the 4D Room. This was achieved through projecting/mirroring a live version of the iPad screen onto one screen whilst simultaneously showing a web browser screen providing instructions onto another screen.

Early Years Learning

The Final Frontier
Year 2 combined their Space topic, maths work about angles and their computing programming all in one! They used turns to navigate computer programmed ‘Beebots’ from planet to planet.

Chinese New Year
To celebrate Chinese New Year the children took part in 9 individual activities in the 4D Room. Ranging from creating their own Chinese writing to activating augmented reality Chinese lanterns. The children learnt about what happens during Chinese New Year and traditions related to the day.

The Gruffalo
Reception class enjoying an animated reading of the Gruffalo.

Disco Time
Nursery celebrating Eldon Primary School’s ‘Primary School of the Year’ Award with a disco theme in the 4D Room. Children experienced different types of dances and enjoyed celebrating the schools success.

Story Time
Our teachers are avid readers! Here is ‘The Machine Gunners’ by Robert Westall. We used a WW2 background to enhance the surroundings which allowed the children’s imaginations to run wild.

Reading Time
Year 2 taking the time to read a good book in the tranquil atmosphere of the 4D Room with soothing magical kingdom backgrounds.

Our Locality
During Super Learning Day our recent theme was ‘It’s Good to be Me’. In the 4D Room the local area was explored with pupils. They discovered the school using 3D satellite images which were navigated through an iPad.

During Super Learning Day teachers had to imagine what they wished to become when they were older. Mr Aspinall chose to become an astronaut for the day and took children to space through the help of the 4D Room. The children used augmented reality technology to view planets, spacecraft’s and vehicles.

The Gruffalo
A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark woods.
A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good.
Nursery have been reading the Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and learning the words to the story.

Extra Extra Read All About It!
The 4D Immersive room is an amazing new addition which provides a wonderful and unique learning experience for our children here at Eldon Primary School. It has provided a real 'wow' factor which highly impacts upon and encourages our children in their learning...
The creation of the 4D Immersive Room
We are immensely proud of our 4D Immersive Room and the unique experiences it brings for our children. The room was created during the summer holidays and 4D team used skill and precision to transform an empty room into something magical. Here is a time lapse video showing the creation of the room.
Kandinsky Artwork
Year 6 have been learning about Kandinsky, a Russian Abstract artist who lived between 1866 - 1944. The children viewed a gallery of artwork and began to create their own pieces. This was all done to the soothing sound of Mozart who's music helped to inspire much of Kandinsky's work.

World Nursery Rhyme Week
During World Nursery Rhyme Week Eldon Nursery enjoyed a variety of nursery rhymes. Children can be seen enjoying Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the comfort of their pajamas.

World Space Week
We had a fantastic time during World Space Week learning about the depths of space. We identified the United Kingdom from night satellite imagery. We also discoevered amazing space facts all about the universe. Below are pictures of our Year 3 class enjoying the immersive experience.

National Poetry Day
On Thursday 28th September we celebrated National Poetry Day. Year 1 took the opportunity to read animal poems in the 4D Immersive Room.
National Poetry Day is an annual celebration that inspires people throughout the UK to enjoy, discover and share poems. National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by the charity Forward Arts Foundation, whose mission is to celebrate excellence in poetry and increase its audience.