Autumm 2019 PE And Sports News
Autumn 1 News 2019:
Amazing Autumn All beit Rainy
As we approach the half term break it is great to take stock of all the super School Sports events that have taken place thus far.
As a school we value Leadership and encourage the children to take responsibility for games, play, physical activity and sports from R upwards - with children leading games such as 'Duck Duck Goose' for their fellow infants, Playleaders leading games such as' Grandma's Footstep's and Active Aces making sure there are plenty of busy bodies at break and lunchtimes.
After submitting their applications and an afternoon of training, a hard core of KS2 pupils have committed to leading at lunchtimes on the infant yard. They are doing a great job in enabling our yard to be as active and purposeful as it can be. Similarly we have Sports Leaders supporting specific activities on the the junior yard too, including some Junior specific Personal Best Challenges.
Our teams have been out in force since we returned in September with our Boccia and Kurlers clinching the Bronze medal position and our Year 3 and 4 Mini Skills team narrowly missing 3rd being beaten into 4th place. We've also had super efforts put in by our marvellous football teams and next week our hockey players will be at Broughton for the annual tournament.
Frustratingly rain and boggy pitches has meant that some of our games have been called off, however fingers crossed that they can be rescheduled in the future!
Autumn 2 News 2019
Winter wonders : Eldon full of Healthy Elfies
The P.E. staff have entered in the festive spirit and have created the 'Healthy Elfie' door to the storage cupboard. It is interactive and reminds all the children that they are healthy Elfies too.
Our UCLAN students have been excellent additions to the team over the Autumn 2 term. Cain Rigby and Hollie Lawton have both supported superbly well officiating intraschool competition, helping teams prepare for interschool competitions and even accompanying teams to competitions too!
Cain accompanied Mrs Dixon to the second round of the Year 5 and 6 football cup and to the Autumn Mini Skills Competition for Year 1 and 2. The mini skills team came back having won! This has inspired the Year 3 and 4 team to do the same in February at their equivalent competition.
Our Year 5 and 6 pupils worked hard in preparation for the School Games Sportshall Athletics Competition, including warming up at school with some intraschool baton change competitions. The children had an excellent time and were fired up to compete. The team placed 9th which is an excellent result for our one form entry school and there were some magnificent performances from individuals which we celebrated with the children : 3rd in Obstacle race (Girls), 3rd in Standing Long Jump (Boys), 3rd Javelin (Girls), and 1st in Chest Push (Boys).