Eldon Primary School

Eldon Primary School

Eldon expects the best….Let’s be the best that we can be!

Interactive Area

Clubs, clubs and more clubs!

Next week clubs resume and teachers are now able to mix year groups too, which is great! To sign up to the clubs, check out your child's class page and sign up to it!

STEAM CLUB with Miss Sharples for Yr1 and Yr2 
MINDFULNESS CLUB with Miss Vohra for Yr4,5 and 6
BOOK CLUB with Mrs Blackburn for Yr4 and Yr5 pupils 
RADIO CLUB with Miss Calvert for Yr3 and Yr5 

MINI-MOVERS CLUB with Mrs Perry for Reception pupils 

SATS BOOSTER and WRITING CLUB with Miss Lightfoot for Yr6

ROUNDERS & CRICKET for Yr 5 and Yr6 

Coding Club with Miss Mughal for Yr4, Yr5 and Yr6 children 
SIGNING and SINGING CHOIR with Miss Kirkham for Yr3 and Yr2 pupils 
SINGING and SIGNING CLUB with Mrs Taylor for Rec and Yr1 

SUMMER SPORTS for Yr3 and Yr4 

TEAM BUILDING & RESILIANCE CLUB with Commando Luke - for Yr4 and Yr6

MOVE WITH ME - Family Fit and Fun with Yr 1 and Yr2 children and families 


tes winner 2018